paul evans design associates : architects
Paul Evans Design Associates : Architects was set up in 1986 in the The City of London and moved to Islington, North London in 1992. We have long experience of the commercial and residential sector of the construction business with corporate, developer and private clients. The value contracts we are involved in ranges from the multi-million pound development to the smaller residential refurbishment and extension. Recently we have been involved in "low carbon" schemes and have experience of Photo Voltaic, Heat Pump and Solar installations. Our work is mostly in the London Area but we have completed projects in many areas of England and Wales and in Italy. Paul has trained at the Architectural Association in Building Conservation and can advise on historic and conservation area buildings and their planning and construction problems. We are involved in many "difficult" planning negotiations for both commercial and residential schemes.

Paul Evans : Senior Architect
Paul is an RIBA Chartered Architect trained at Edinburgh University qualifying with a BArch(hons)Edin in 1773 and teaching as a studio master in the School of Architecture until moving to London in the mid '70s. Having worked for a number of commercial architectural and engineering practices in Edinburgh and London up to Associate Director level he set up his own Architectural practice in 1986 in the City of London and has since worked on many commercial and residential commissions for both private and corporate clients. An interest and involvement with old and Historic buildings led Paul to complete a mid career diploma GradDipConsAA from the Architectural Association. He now has an increasing involvement in garden design and building with sustainable and low carbon technologies.